ESE 101-Introduction to Energy Engineering Course Poster Presentations Were Held.
Prof. Dr. Reza Zarghami started working in our department as a guest researcher.
The great success of our Department Head Prof. Dr. Gülden G. Akkurt and our Department Faculty Member Prof. Dr. Mousa Mohammadpour.
Our new graduate students joined us.
Our Department's Success Rankings Continue to Rise!
Official Instagram page has been opened.
Great interest in ESE during the selection period!
2023-24 Education Term Graduation Program
Graduation Projects Presentations Were Made.
Success of our undergraduate students!
The success of our undergraduate students.
Our students participated in the Wenergy Expo Fair.
Turkey's First Offshore Wind Measurement Mast was Established in Aliağa.
Visit to our Department from Faculty Members of Cardiff and Manchester Universities
Great success of our department's undergraduate students!
Our department faculty member Assoc. Dr. Z. Haktan Karadeniz attended the WindEurope Bilbao 2024 event.
ERASMUS Agreement was signed between our department and Calabria University.
An information seminar about community work was given to our undergraduate students.
Our first meeting with our new students who joined our department.
ERASMUS Agreement was signed between our department and Ferrara University.
IZTECH Energy Systems Engineering Department ranks first again among State Universities in 2023.
IZTECH Energy Systems Engineering Undergraduate Program gave its first graduate.
Department Introduction Videos Through the Eyes of Our Students
2022 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) PhD Scholarship Support to the Energy Engineering PhD Program
IZTECH ESE First Undergraduate Graduation Project Presentation was held on.
Student admission applications for the 2023-24 Fall Semester have started for our newly opened Energy Engineering Doctorate Program.
Our faculty member Prof. Mousa MOHAMMADPOURFARD started his job.
Our Faculty Members Prof. Dr. Gülden Gökçen AKKURT and Assoc. Dr. Ziya Haktan KARADENİZ's Project Applications Have Been Supported in the "Energy Academy" Program.
ERASMUS Agreement was signed with Technical University of Cluj Napoca.
Our department faculty member Assoc. Dr. Ziya Haktan Karadeniz participated in the “Best For Energy Project Study Visit” event.
Great success of Our Deparment and IZTECH in TUBITAK 2209-A Students Research Projects Support Program!
Our department faculty member Assoc. Dr. Ziya Haktan KARADENİZ gave a seminar at the ASHRAE Winter Conference.
New Horizon Europe Project to ESE
ERASMUS Agreement was signed with Freiburg University.
ERASMUS agreement was signed with Warsaw University.
Prof Dr. Mousa MOHAMMADPOURFARD started his job.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Selcuk EROL started his job.
ERASMUS agreement was signed with Burgos University.
ERASMUS agreement was signed with EVS-Krakow University.
The success of our undergraduate students in the Biomass Ideathon competition.
The project idea of our undergraduate students came second in the "Transportation platform suitable for aircraft" competition.
Asst. Prof. Dr. Aslı GÜNDOĞAR started her job.
Assoc. Dr. Ziya Haktan KARADENİZ started his job.
Academic Staffs and Graduate Students of our department made study visits abroad within the scope of YEVDES Project.
The project idea of our undergraduate students won the "Best for Wind" award.
Our faculty member Dr. Güray Yıldız has been elected to the COST Action Executive Board
IZTECH ESE Graduate Students in YEVDES Education
Our faculty member Dr. Güray Yıldız gave a seminar at Bialystok University of Technology (Poland)
The Success of Our Department Undergraduate Student in the "Söz Yetenekte" Competition
Our Deparment Member Dr. Ferhat BİNGÖL's study is in the national press: "Turkish scientist developed a new method to calculate efficiency in wind energy"
Our 2nd Grade Students Researched "Scientists Guiding Thermodynamics"
Our Faculty Members attended the “Meetup-3” event.
IYTE ESE's Academic Continues to Grow
New Term Applications for TÜSİAD Entrepreneurship Program Opened!
A new member to our department: Asst. Prof. Dr. Basar Caglar
İYTE-ESE will be represented again in the 2020 edition of TÜBİTAK-British Council Bilateral Cooperation Programme
IYTE ESE is again at the top of university preferences.
Energy Systems Engineering Department's Introduction Video
Academic Staff of IYTE ESE Expands
One of the supports of 2551 TÜBİTAK-British Council 2019 goes to ESE
ERASMUS agreement with NTUA, Greece
5th Izmir Wind Energy Symposium
B.Sc. of Energy System Engineering has its first students
Sample News
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