Announcement about IZTECH Energy Engineering Program 2021-2022 Academic Year Spring Semester Graduate Interviews

Dear Candidate Students,

İzmir Institute of Technology Energy Engineering Graduate Program 2021-2022 Academic Year Fall Semester interviews for which you have applied will be held online on January 6, 2022, at 10:00, as previously announced on the website of IZTECH Graduate Education Institute. Considering the number of applications, certain hours and groups have been determined for the candidates. Candidates should come to the waiting room and wait to be called for an interview, via the Microsoft TEAMS link, which can be seen below, within the time slots in the attached table.

We would like to draw your attention to the following points so that the interviews can be completed smoothly:


  • Before the interview, you should try to connect from a computer with Microsoft TEAMS installed, and check whether there is a technical problem on your side in camera and audio communication. Due to technical problems on your part, it will not be possible to give/determine a new interview date and time.
  • Waiting in the waiting room during your group hours in the list will ensure that the process goes quickly for all candidates. Please be present in the waiting room during your group hours. Each candidate will be accepted during their group hours and will not be interviewed during another group’s time.

We wish you luck,
İzmir Institute of Technology, Department of Energy Engineering

Interview room link:


No. Name Surname Group no. Time
1 AHMET İ. Ç. 1 10:00-11:15
2 BELKA A. 1 10:00-11:15
3 BERKAY K. 1 10:00-11:15
4 BURAK B. 1 10:00-11:15
5 FURKAN E. 1 10:00-11:15
6 HEDİYE E. 1 10:00-11:15
7 HÜSNÜ H. 1 10:00-11:15
8 ONUR CAN U. 1 10:00-11:15
9 ORHAN A. 2 11:15-12:30
10 PELİN A. 2 11:15-12:30
11 RABİYA T. 2 11:15-12:30
12 YAĞMUR Ç. 2 11:15-12:30
13 YİĞİT E. 2 11:15-12:30
14 ZELİHA A. 2 11:15-12:30
15 ABDULRAHMAN K. 2 11:15-12:30