New Horizon Europe Project to ESE
The project “CARDIMED-Climate Adaptation and Resilience Demonstrated in the MEDiterranean Region”, whose application was made in 2022 within the scope of Horizon Europe Program, was deemed worthy of support. Our Head of Department Prof.Dr. City, Regional Planning and Civil Eng with Gülden G. Akkurt. A budget of 302,750 Euros will be provided to our university with the project in which the Faculty Members from the departments are in the IZTECH team.
51 partners are involved in the project supported under the call title “HORIZON-MISS-2022-CLIMA-01-06: Testing and demonstrating transformative solutions on climate resilience, mainstreaming nature based solutions in the systemic transformation”, and in this context, it focuses on the effects of climate change in the Mediterranean biogeographic region. It is planned to develop resistance against nature-based solutions, to provide support to the actors in the value chain of nature-based solutions, to increase citizen participation through digital infrastructure and to develop capacity.
Other Turkish project partners involved in the aforementioned project; İzmir Metropolitan Municipality, İzmir Metropolitan Municipality İzdoğa A.Ş, Doğa Derneği and İzmir Water and Sewerage Administration General Directorate.