About the applications to be made to Energy Engineering Graduate Program during the student admission period to be opened in the Fall semester of 2020-2021 academic year

For the Fall Semester of the 2020-2021 academic year, students will be admitted to the Energy Engineering Master Program during the student admission period, which will be reoponed in September 2020. Applications will be received between 07.09.2020 and 09.09.2020 (the end of working house), candidates must have a bachelors degree from one of the Engineering, Science and Architecture fields.


The method of evaulating student admissions applications is the “Online Interview”, the date of interview is 17 of September   2020 and the starting time is 10.00 a.m. Interviews will be conducted on Microsoft Teams platform. For each candidate, the exact time of the interview and the Microsoft Teams link will be sent to the e-mail adressess given by candidates during the registration until the interview start time.


Detailed information can be accessed from the link below:
